Veloxap Siber Analiz
Siber Analiz Büyük Veri Platformu
Bugünün altını, Veri!
Kişiler tarafından oluşturulan milyonlarca veri noktası ile ortaya konan büyük veri, iş dünyası için vazgeçilmez bir değer haline gelmiştir. Veloxap Siber Analiz çözümü, kurumsal ve büyük veri kaynaklarından gelen verilerin, konsolide edilerek tek bir merkezde analizini ve akıllı bilgiye dönüştürülmesini sağlar.
Yapay zeka teknolojisi ile hızlı bir şekilde bilgilere ulaşabilir ve sunulan dinamik yapıyı kullanarak doğru ve etkili kararlar alabilirsiniz.
Kurumsal Olarak Oluşturulan Veri
İstihbarat ve Güvenlik Birimleri, Hastaneler, Bankalar, vb. Telefon Operatörleri – CDR
Bakanlıklar, Kamu Kuruluşları, Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumları
Mobese, Plaka Tanıma Sistemleri, vb.
Otel Konaklama, Seyahat Detayları, Kargo, Posta Verileri
Sosyal Medya
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, vb.
Siteleri,,, etc.
Büyük Veri Siber Analiz Modülleri

Temel Paket

Sosyal Medya Analiz Modülü

- Açıklayıcı Analiz, Görsel Ağ Analizi
- Olay Yönetimi İş Akışı ve Raporlama
Veloxap EDG (Enterprise Data Governance) Cyber Solution
Complex requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance technological ecosystem supported by Veloxap EDG offerings can be considered at different stages of the data management life cycle
Personal Data Collection Process
It is important to get consent for specific data activities for GDPR. This makes a preliminary digital approach imperative. Data from all sources, Biometric, documental, and application can be structured for GDPR compliance using organizational content management tools
Data Transfer & Communication
We need control over personal data in motion, within and across borders. This includes managing diverse formats across different channels with high-performance data movement control.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
For GDPR, with transparent personal data tracking, we need to update access security policies, prioritize data encryption, and apply pseudonymization and anonymization in software development processes. We also need to mask data volumes in test environments for privacy.
Overall Personal Data Management Process
Organizations have to unify the collection, processing, storage, and accessibility of personal data with data subjects’ rights to ensure security testing. Meeting GDPR duties is setting up policies, and processes based on holistic data management and governance architecture
Personal Data Destruction
To converge data subjects’ rights and organizational needs we implement flexible granular retention and destruction policies for minimal storage periods
Personal Data Storage & Maintenance
We need data tracking and modification capabilities. This includes managing personal data in many systems for which we need architecture with data integrity support. For accountability compliance, regular data-cleansing processes with business verification are imperative.
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